Monday, January 25, 2010

Life on pause

The thing that people fail to understand with bedrest, is that we "bedresters" spend our lives waiting for everything.

Take now for instance: I am hungry and mouth-watering at the idea of a granola bar (don't ask me why). Well, the lady who helps around the house is out walking my dog and she won't be back before another 30 min. So, I wait for my granola bar. Or, it's getting dark now but no lights are on. No one is home, so I wait in the dark. Or I would need more little squares of fabric for the quilt I'm making for the Bean, but I need to wait until my sewing girlfriend comes over and can cut them for me. So, I wait for my little squares of fabric. Starting to get the picture?
And it's like that for literally everything! I need more of our pictures printed to finally finish the wedding album, I need stamps, I need to wrap the baby gifts for a friend, I need to get the nursery started, I need to look for a new apartment since the family is getting bigger, I need to sort out all the paperwork that's accumulating on my desk, I need to help organize a friend's baby shower, I need to get a new cartridge for the printer. I need, I need, I need.
See what I mean?

Before life on bedrest, I was the girl who always got everything done. My dear friend M. compares me to some mutant born of the union of Monica Geller and Bree Hodge-Van der Kamp. To-do lists were my lifeline and efficiency my second name. Now I'm just laying here, with my life on pause, and not getting anything done. Buhuhu.

Now I'm starting to see what Elizabeth I or Marie-Antoinette's lives were like: you can't do anything by yourself and get up to get that book if you bloody want to! But at least, they got to rule countries and live in Versailles.


  1. Well, at least you have blogging, lol! Wish I could fly around the world and bring you a granola bar...

  2. Indeed, patience is a quality that you will acquire by the end of this journey. Keep the chin up!
